Your website shouldn’t be a burden, it shouldn’t be another irritation that generates hassle and involves talking jargon to techies who don’t understand your business. Your website should be a laser-targeted marketing tool that projects your brand and your company and makes a great pitch about your products. It should communicate with your target audience and sales channels and also act as a sales tool by converting site visitors into potential customers.
When we look at a website we take two approaches.
The qualitative approach
This encompasses aspects such as ease of navigation, how it looks and works on mobile platforms, how quickly you can get to product information and is it easy to find contact information.
At the next level, we’d look at how up-to-date news is, whether pages and news items are shareable on Social Media, how good is the copy in terms of spelling and grammar, number of words, formatting and readability.
And so on…
The quantitive approach
This is the technical bit. How fast does the site load? What metrics are being gathered and analysed? What goals have been set? What is the conversion rate? Does the site use SSL and HTTP2? Where is traffic coming from and is the site exploiting that traffic?
Is the HTML being produced semantically correct? Is Open Graph and Meta data being employed correctly? Does the content reflect what the site is about, it’s products and their features? Are there any technical errors or broken links?
And so on…
While these things may not mean much to most people, the catch is that they mean a lot to Google. As such the technical stuff will affect your search results and your websites AUTHORITY. Even more importantly they will ultimately affect how well your website performs its REAL job of working for you, and effectively communicating to your customers and sales channels.
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